The DragonBros–Silvvy and Ebby , were pet designs for a pet web game at beginning in 2007.
For many reasons, the game plan was dead and I left the company as well.
I keep all the works I done and share them on the internet, try to broadcast them with my own way.
Hope The DragonBros will be favored by the public.
If you like them, please tell your friends about them. And please, do not use this inspiration or take the actual pic for any other useage (notably with profitably purpose) other than social icons and forum expressions without permission, also, please put on the link of mine when you post this pic elsewhere, thank you!
這款遊戲為了受到大眾的喜愛, 花費了一年以上的時間不斷設計構思, 我所畫的各種寵物造型也一直被推翻修改.
後來公司決定要我把小龍兄弟做成各種表情符號放在網路上流傳, 希望能獲得大眾的喜愛跟支持. 但最終他們還是並未受到公司的重視, 寵物遊戲也停止開發了, 我也離開該公司許久.
我並不希望小龍兄弟就此被人遺忘, 因此我會繼續用自己的方式為他們傳播.
如果你喜歡小龍兄弟, 歡迎向他人推廣介紹, 並懇請不要未經我的同意盜用我的造型跟創意.
轉貼作品時請附上我的名字跟網址, 謝謝!